classic music110 Beethoven : Romance for Violin and Orchestra No. 1 in G major op. 40 Genre: ConcertoComposer: BeethovenTitle: Romance for Violin and Orchestra No. 1 in G major op. 40 Composition Year: around 1800Place of composing: binPublications / Editions: First Edition: December 1803 Hope Meister & Quenell Publishing House in Leipzig.Tribute, instrument: It is a song of a character different from Romance No.2, composed of Martian progress.Year of release: unknownPlace of pre.. 2019. 8. 31. Beethoven : Romance for Violin and Orchestra No. 2 in F major op. 50 Genre: ConcertoComposer: BeethovenTitle: Romance for Violin and Orchestra No. 2 in F major op. 50 Composition Year: circa 1798Place of composing: binPreservation of the US Library of Congress. First edition: May 1805 Artie Publishers of Vienna.Tribute, instrument: proceeded in melodic composition compared to Romance No. 1.Year of release: unknownPlace of premiere: unknownStarring: Unknown Instru.. 2019. 8. 23. Beethoven : An die ferne Geliebte op. 98 Genre: Song songComposer: BeethovenTitle: An die ferne Geliebte op. 98 Composition Year: April 1816Place of composing: binPublished / edited: First Edition: October 1816 by Steinner Bin.Dedication to the marquis of Fürst Joseph von Lobkowitz. When the poet Aloys Jeitteles participated in the relief work in Bruges, the composer sent encouragement letters and received a poem in return. At this poe.. 2019. 8. 21. Beethoven : Violin Sonata No. 1 in D major op. 12-1 Genre: Chamber MusicComposer: BeethovenTitle: Violin Sonata No. 1 in D major op. 12-1 Composition Year: 1798.Place of composition: Wien.Publications / editions: December 1799 Artaria, Wien.Tribute, occasion: dedicated to Antonio Salieri. op. 12 consists of three violin sonatas. The melody of the violin and the piano proceeds in a comparable position. March 29, 1798 with Ignaz Schuppanzigh op. On.. 2019. 8. 19. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 ··· 28 다음