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classic music/Vivaldi

Vivaldi: beatus vir rv 597

by 고자길동 2018. 2. 23.

Genre: Song song

Composer: Vivaldi

Title: beatus vir rv 597

Antonio Vivaldi Composition


Antonio Vivaldi, famous for his experimental music of the Four Seasons, shows his creative side without fail. This song is supposed to have been composed at the orphanage music hall and used for Catholic worship, but the text of psalm 112 of the Bible (NIV) is taken as it is and is now used in many Protestant churches as worship music. Overall, the song is easy, bright, and cheerful. Therefore, it may feel like an amateur but it may feel fresh because it is taking the form of an uncommon combination window. Anyway, I would like to be a guide to introducing and appreciating concert music because the composer is not widely known.

Feature 1

Blessed is basically a mass music and takes the form of a complex window that requires two choirs. Therefore, two musical instruments are required, which causes a stereo effect. At first glance, this is an unconventional idea of ​​Vivaldi, but it is actually a form often used by Venetian musicians in the 16th and 17th centuries. The most important reason for this is that there are two separate chapels in the structure of many churches in Italy. For example, many of the 16th-century composer A. gabrielli (1510-1586) 's many composers' works are due to his choral performances separated by two of his musical activities, San Marco. Vivaldi wondered about the stereotypical effect by expanding the form of the compound window more with the idea drawn here.

Feature 2

The compound window form is also the greatest feature of this song, but another is the music symbol Antifona. This is Vivaldi's original technique, which inserts the first music core melody and lyrics between the song and the song so that it can be played repeatedly every time. In fact, however, it is true that it was based on Antiphon in Roman Catholicism. The origin of antiphon begins with the Greek word "crossing", and in Catholic, the choir (or at least two parts) before and after the service of the worship is to send and receive psalms and prayers to strengthen and strengthen the saints. In other words, Vivaldi develops this as a repetitive musical effect Antifona. Ultimately, it induces the listeners to convey meaning and lyrics surely, and further connects the flow of the whole song firmly from beginning to end.

Song order and summary

Song 1. Beatus vir - C major, 4/4 time, Allegro, chorus - The atmosphere is fairly bright and crisp, 1 degree 4 degree 5 degree The first 4 words with basic chord progression Then the second group of instruments repeats the same way. The chorus comes to an end after the string accompaniment that produces the effect of the echo and the effect of this kind of house. Here, the first three vocal accompaniments take the form of a very simple terrace of the city La Salmami. This is the core melody of the song and is also applied to the last song including Antifonia. The chorus is the first chorus, then the second chorus, and the two choruses. This is the common point of all chorus songs.

Song 2. It strikes on the ground (petns in terra) - A forged, three-eighths, Allegro non-molto, male part two chorus - the first and second male choirs will be called.

Song 3. Antifonia- C major, 4/4 time, Allegro, Chorus - As mentioned earlier, it is the key melody of the first music, which is quite short and the lyrics are the same. Less than 30 seconds.

Song 4. Movies and many riches (gloria et divitiae) - A forged, two-fourths beat, Allegro, duet for women

Song 5. Antifonia - C major, 4/4 time, Allegro

Song 6. Honesty in the dark (exortum est in tenebris) - F major, 4/4 time, Allegro molto, chorus

Song 7. A jogundus homo - A forged, 4/4 time, allegro, noodle noodle, soprano solo - accompaniment is typical of the organ and is not too small for vocal music, but it gives a nice feeling.

Song 8. Antifonia - C major, 4/4 time, Allegro

Song 9. In memoria aeterna - G forged, 3/4 time, Allegro molto, Alto and Tenor Bass Chorus - The most emotional and sad feeling was the soprano was excluded and the Three-Point Counterpoint was used.

Song 10. Antifonia - C major, 4/4 time, Allegro

Songs 11. Paratum corius - C major, 3/8 beats, Allegro, Chorus - This is the most gorgeous of all the music, and it is the culmination. It is like a Hallelujah chorus among the Messiah of Handel. First, the first choir starts with Unison in conjunction with the second instrument group. Immediately after that, the second chorus and musical instrument group make the same copy. In the middle of the song, it is combined without the first and second divisions, and at the same time, full-scale counterpoint is developed, and the mood is gradually increased. In the second half of the counterpoint, the bass continues to sound, and the other three cast their highest cascade scales.

Songs 12. The wicked report this (pecator videbit) - It is always calm and peaceful atmosphere after the splendor and brightness in F major, 2/4 of the time, Largo-Presto, nastiest nod, tenor solo-baroque music. The musician tenor or mezzo soprano or alto can call.

Song 13. Antifonia - C major, 4/4 time, Allegro

Song 14. Gloria patri - C major, 4/4 beat, Allegro moderato maestroso, chorus - The core melody of the first song is used and accompaniment is also short, but it is the same as the first song. Like the usual baroque choral music, the counterpoint comes to an end.

Composition intention

As above, I usually wrote the song lightly and easily in the C major, A minor, and G minor. In addition to using the symbol "Antifonia", I see that there is a lot of Unison (a form of playing and singing together with a melody without dividing the Father). This was intended to be more easily and clearly communicated to the public with a comprehensive goal. In addition, it does not require a very high level of voice. Songs 11. In paratum cor eius, most soprano or quadrants are at the same rhythm, as can be seen in the sheet music, except for the part where the soprano should draw a long seam during the counterpoint or some scales. Of course, it is clear that Vivaldi is a clear feature, or at least compared to his other works. The consideration of these vocal techniques is based on the creative intention that allows many people to participate and make it easy and fun to call.

Lyrics professional (Latin Korean contrast)

Beatus vir qui timet Dominum,

In mandatis eis volet nimis.

복 있도다 주 경외하는자,

주의 계명 기뻐 즐기는자.

Potens in terra erit semen eius,

Generatio rectorum benedicetur.

그들의 후손 이 땅위에서 강성 하여지며,

정직한 자들의 후손이 복 받으리라.

Beatus vir.

Gloria et divitiae in domo elus,

Et justitia eius manet in saeculum saeculi.

영화와 많은 재물이 그 집에 있고,

정의로운 행위는 저와 영원토록 있으리.

Beatus vir.

Exortum est in tenebris lumen rectis,

Misericors et miseratur et justus,

정지한자 흑암에도 비취나니,

그 광채는 자비하며 의로운자 위함이라.

Jucundus homo qui miseretur et commodat

Disponet sermones suos in judicio,

Quia in aeternum non commovebitur.

늘 은혜를 베풀며 남에게 꾸어주는자 잘 돠나니,

그 하는 모든 일을 공의롭게 하리라,

저는 영원토록 흔들리지 않으리.

Beatus vir.

In memoria aeterna erit justus

Ab auditione mala non timebit.

영원 토록 기억되리라 정직한자

그는 흉한 소식듣고 두려워 않으리라.

Beatus vir.

Paratum cor eius sperare in Domino,

Confirmatum est cor eius non commovebitur

Donec despiciat inimicos suos.

Dispersit, dedit pauperibus,

Justitia eius manet in saecullum saeculi.

Cornu eius exaltabitur in gloria.

확실한 믿음가지고 여호와 하나님 주를 믿기때문이라

그 마음 견고해 무서워 않으며 원수들이 패할것을 보게 되리로다

가난한 사람들 후하게 그가 도와 줬으니

의로운 그 행위가 영원히 기억되며

인정받고 존경받으리 영화롭게.

Peccator videbit et irascetur;

Dentibus suis frement et tabescet:

Desiderium peccatorum peribit.

저 악인은 이것을 보고서 

크게 분하여 이를 갈며 소멸하니

악인들의 그 희망은 좌절하게 되리라.

Beatus vir.

Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto.

Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper

Et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

영광을 성부와 성자 성령 하나님께.

태초부터 지금까지 영원무궁 토록

주께 영광이 있을지라. 아멘.


1. The oxford dictionary second edition

2. www.antonio-vivaldi.org
