Genre: Concerto
Composer: Vivaldi
Title: Flute Concerto in C minor RV 441
Composition Year: Before 1720
Place of composition: Conservatorio dell'Ospedale della Pietà, Venezia
Publications / Edition: Written notation: Turin National Library.
Tribute, instrument: composed two RV 441 and RV 442 concerto for Alto recorders. Since the 1720s, he has written flute concertos instead of recorders.
Year of release: unknown
Place of premiere: unknown
Starring: Unknown
Instrument Organization
Solo flute, two violins, viola, bass
Composition of movements
1 movement consists of Allegro non molto, C for 3/4 beats, and 100 words. The 19-segmented lithology consists of five motions. The progressive area is a solo part, which progresses in a three-semitone manner. After Tutti, each motive is not played together but proceeds in a combined form. In the solo part, the 16th note triplet and the 32nd note section and the trill played repeatedly in the Terti period.
2 movements, Largo, F forged 3/4 beats, and 43 bars. The first part and the last part are played in Tutu. The middle part is divided into solo parts. The Tutti part of the ascendant and ascending scale of the ascending and descending parts are expanding. From point 26, the rhythm type is played.
3 movements Allegro, C forged 3/4 beats, and 158 bars. It consists of four motives. It consists of a sincerity and a decorative sound. Then the Tutti part is played in G forged - B flat major - C forged. The solo part consists of sequential progression of the sixteenth note and sequential progression of the triplet.