Genre: Concerto
Composer: Vivaldi
Title: Concerto for 3 Violins in F major RV 551
Composition Year: Unknown
Place of composition: unknown
Publication / edition: Ricordi Publishing Co., Ltd. 88
It is composed of performance of the third violin in the melody and accompaniment form of the first and the second violin, and the solo second violin presents the melody together with the solo first violin, the third solo violin or solo.
Year of release: unknown
Place of premiere: unknown
Starring: Unknown
Instrumentation / vocalist / characters
Three solo violins, two violins, viola, bass
Composition of movements
It consists of 1 movement Allegro, F major 4/4 beats, 5 Tauti and 4 solo parts replacing the Rietnello format. The Tutti theme is presented as an eighth note that begins with a modified chord of the master chord. The solo part progresses to the melody of the sixteenth note of the first and second violin solo. The soloist third violin consists of repeating progression of triad chords and triplets.
2 movements Andante, D forged 4/4, three solo violins and a bass guitar. Soloist The third violin plays the melody and the soloist first violin attaches the mute and progresses to a six-tiered chord. The solo second violin is played with a pizzicato chord. Cello and harpsichord perform the bass line. Going to a slow movement consisting of a three-part form of master-syllable-relation-mastering.
3 movement Allegro, F major 3/4, 3 movement has no tempo indication on the handwritten note. 4 Tutti and three solo parts of the phrase will be replaced in the form of Ritornello. Theme is presented as the melody of the falling sound. In Tutti, the latter part of the phrase is repeated in a loose form. The last Touty part goes through the sinking sound and the first part of the Touty theme repeats itself.