Genre: Solo
Composer: Bach
Title: Sonata for Solo Violin No. 3 in C major BWV 1005
Composition Year: Before 1720
Place of composition: Weimar or Kiteen
Publications / Editions: Sheet music: The National Library of Berlin. In 1802, Jim Locke publishes six songs (BWV 1001 ~ 1006) in one volume.
Tribute, instrument: The largest of the three unaccompanied violin sonatas, and the second movement's fugue is also composed of 354 words.
Year of release: unknown
Place of premiere: unknown
Starring: Unknown
Instrumentation / vocalist / characters
Solo violin
Composition of movements
1 movement Adagio, C major 3/4 Beginning with a continuous rhythm of the rhythm, the rhythm gradually increases, and the rhythm gradually increases. After that, the melody progresses and then returns to the rhythm again.
2 Movement Fuga. Alla breve, C major 2/2 The theme of the fugue is also used in BWV 652, The Coral Prelude "Osah, Holy Spirit, Lord God". In the second half of the fugue, there is a "reverse direction (al riverso)" instruction that changes the theme and introduces a new theme.
3 movements, Largo, F major 4/4 beats, and 21 shorts. The midrange of the violin plays the consonant bass.
4 movements Allegro assai, C major 3/4 rhythm, each part is composed of two repeating forms.